Class KahnProcessNetwork<T>

Type Parameters:
T - a generic which defines the type of each "atom" or "token" in the KPN.

public class KahnProcessNetwork<T> extends Object
The root class for Kahn Process Network construction. A KPN object simply contains a set of process nodes, each of which contain their own set of first-in-first-out channels that send and receive tokens (data). Each process node will read a certain number of tokens and perform some user-defined function (through polymorphism), which must be deterministic (e.g., given some initial input, the process gives the same output each time). Reading from channels is blocked; that is, if a process node does not have a sufficient number of tokens to perform its process, it will stall. Writing to a channel, however, is not blocked - it will always succeed. Keep this in mind when constructing your own models; reading dependencies can cascade and lead to overflows or deadlocks that disrupt the whole network. Note that this KPN class defines an *open* KPN, in which each process node contains at least one input channel and exactly one output channel.
Sumeet Kulkarni
  • Constructor Details

    • KahnProcessNetwork

      public KahnProcessNetwork()
      Default constructor. Initializes the empty set of nodes.
  • Method Details

    • addProcessNode

      public void addProcessNode(ProcessNode<T> node)
      Adds a process node to the network.
      node - the node to be added
    • addFIFOChannel

      public void addFIFOChannel(ProcessNode<T> source, ProcessNode<T> dest, int sourceProduceAmt, int destAcceptAmt)
      Adds a first-in-first-out channel between two nodes to the network. This channel will send tokens from the source node to the destination node.
      source - the source node from which the channel starts
      dest - the destination node where the channel ends
      sourceProduceAmt - the amount of tokens the source node produces each time its process is executed
      destAcceptAmt - the amount of tokens the destination node consumes to execute its process
    • addFIFOChannel

      public void addFIFOChannel(ProcessNode<T> source, ProcessNode<T> dest)
      Same as addFIFOChannel(ProcessNode, ProcessNode, int, int), except sourceProduceAmt and destAcceptAmt are set by default to 1.
      source - the source node from which the channel starts
      dest - the destination node where the channel ends
      See Also:
    • simulateTimestep

      public void simulateTimestep()
      Simulates a single time step in the execution of the network. Nodes that do not have the tokens required in any channel to perform their process stall and do not execute, rendering them inactive.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of the network at the current time step.
      toString in class Object